A Swim Meet is different to our club's weekly Point Score. A swim meet is an opportunity for a swimmer to compete in various strokes and distances\ while attempting to drop lap time. Swim meets are the only time that a swimmer can qualify for certain cuts such as National or Olympic Trials and earn spots on select teams.
To a swim parent, a swim meet is more than just watching. It’s a celebration of all that your child has worked towards. Seeing how far they’ve come and knowing how far they can go. It’s pride and it’s heart every time they get on the block because it’s their time to shine.
There are several types of swim meets and they are explained below:
A Development Meet - this is a meet designed for junior or swimmers new to competition.
A Qualifying Meet - is designed for more experienced swimmers who are chasing a spefific time in a specific stroke/distance for State, County and National championships.
We recommend talking to your child's coach before entering.